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About AcuEnergetics® ...


​AcuEnergetics® works with the body to promote faster natural

healing, ease pain and improve physical and emotional health. I have

treated many different conditions successfully; most recently

insomnia, sciatica, knee, hip and chronic neck and back pain, anxiety,

plantar fasciitis, stress and RSI. Other conditions have included

headaches, migraines, chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, IBS,

low energy, menstrual and menopausal problems, infertility and many more. AcuEnergetics® can work both on its own as a stand-alone treatment or alongside other treatments and prescribed medication. AcuEnergetics® practitioners often work with other medical professionals in easing side effects of, for example, chemotherapy; reducing stress and anxiety before surgical procedures and operations; promoting recovery after surgical procedures and operations. Have a look at my client feedback pages.


When we transition from children to young adults, and beyond; the responsibilities slowly but surely creep in. Once carefree, living in the moment; we grow up often to be consumed by burden, clutter and confusion at times, until we rediscover through practices like meditation and mindfulness that stillness and gentle awareness are available to all, at all times. It just takes awareness then practise! Read more in my blog 'Get that stuff off your chest!'.


​Everyone has a unique set of circumstances and challenges to face and I'm driven to help find a solution where at all possible. AcuEnergetics® treatments are suitable for babies, children and adults alike.



That great quote from ...


No attempt should be made to sure the body without the soul and if the head and the body are to be healthy, you must begin by curing the mind. For this is the great error of our day in the treatment of the human body, that physicians first separate the soul from the body. Plato, 382BC

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