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Your health: own it, restore it.

Welcome to the home of health and wellbeing. We all need some support now and then. Whether you suffer from physical, mental or emotional complaints, here you will find fresh ideas and techniques to support you. I can provide drug-free treatments for the relief of stress, anxiety, pain, low energy and sleep problems and for the prevention of recurring seasonal conditions. I also run regular mindfulness meditation courses which can also help manage existing conditions or aid a speedier recovery from illness or injury. I am a qualified AcuEnergetics® Practitioner and accredited meditation teacher.


You're encouraged to continue working with your current health care providers, as these methods do not interfere with other therapies or medication. Your own bespoke treatment will be designed to support you through pain, stress and most health complaints. Find out more by registering your interest below. Together we will have a better opportunity to own health and wellness and, where possible, restore it.




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special Offer

In need of a winter boost?

​Do you suffer the same ailments each winter season? Repeated colds or flu, sore throats, chest infections, sinuses, migraines or earache? Everyone has a weak spot that plays up if immune systems are low, we’re generally stressed or we feel under the weather.



To celebrate the launch of Mindful Medicine, we’re offering a winter package of 3 sessions for the price of 2! This treatment plan will include a health MOT, at least one AcuEnergetics® Wellness Balance to boost your immune system specifically and a targeted session to help restore balance to your specific weakness.

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